Xplosive Blog

“I’m Swaggin’, I’m Surfin'”

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With your upcoming event drawing near, we’re excited to share some insights and strategies regarding party swag that will surely enhance the celebration!


In recent times, the tradition of distributing logo’d swag has gained momentum, almost becoming a friendly competition of sorts. While it’s great to see the enthusiasm, we’ve noticed some challenges arising from the swag frenzy. However, fear not! We’re here to offer solutions and elevate the swag experience for all.


It seems that the days of one item, per guest, purposely placed at tables or cubbies are gone. Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for DJs to be met with several towers of boxes upon arrival, presenting logistical challenges in already limited space.  Often, it’s  hard enough to find room for our equipment.  Now we need to find home for an Amazon truck full of swag.   Often, what happens next is enthusiastic young guests (lead by the guest of honor) are diving into boxes amidst the bustling dance floor, disrupting the flow of the event and creating a potential hazard for carefully placed equipment and sensitive wiring.


We’ve encountered such scenarios frequently, where haphazard swag distribution inadvertently detracts from the main event. Imagine a requested line dance suddenly losing momentum as swag takes center stage, derailing the fun for everyone.  We’ve heard from photographers and videographers alike that they have been capturing less dance shots and more moshing or aggressive behaviors while a DJ tosses hats, tees, and sweatshirts into an eagerly waiting crowd.


Our aim isn’t to dissuade you from swag, but rather to set realistic expectations and ensure a smoother experience. We suggest considering alternative distribution methods like designated swag areas (swag shops or kiosks) or a dedicated swag coordinator, a role dedicated to managing swag distribution with precision and flair. This ensures that every swag item is distributed thoughtfully, enhancing the overall event experience. This individual’s job for swag distribution aligns seamlessly with the event’s flow, allowing your performance team to focus on what they do best – entertaining you!



Consider adding a merch or swag shop – your guests can customize these items and gather them at the end of the event, or your swag items can simply be displayed and your guests can go and pick up their pieces in an organized fashion. This also ensures every guest gets the correct pieces and sizes you want them to have. No groups of kids tugging on one pair of sweatpants on the dance floor as you watch your hard-earned money get ripped to shreds in front of your eyes.



Moreover, let’s prioritize fairness and safety in swag distribution, avoiding chaos and potential mishaps. Consider leaving some swag aside for special guests and encourage your loved ones to refrain from swag grabbing during critical moments. We’ve seen many occasions where a best friend or even close relative missed out on a sweatshirt since they simply were not as aggressive during the handouts.


Let’s approach swag management with organization and purpose, guaranteeing every moment of your event shines. For further inquiries or to explore these strategies in detail, please reach out to your event coordinator.


Here’s to a swagtastic celebration!